Resist Normality

Resist Normality

Resist normality is a social awareness campaign from the National Alliance on Mental Health.


Society has a certain set of norms that is pushed onto young people early on in their lives. One of those norms is the simple notion of just “acting normal,” and the context behind that. The act of just trying to appear normal creates what the National Alliance on Mental Health calls a “negative stigma to individuality which can lead to a life of bad mental health.”Big Idea-

The idea and notion of just acting normal are that of conformity, and what we do to resist that normality is what makes us unique as individuals. This idea of resisting normality is supposed to be about embracing your individuality and with that, embracing living a healthier mentality.

Tag Line-


Campaign Introduction-

3D introduction created, composed, and edited by myself in Blender. Video created and edited in Adobe Premiere.

Resist normality magazine mockup.jpg

Out of Home Interactive-

With our creatives understanding the shock and awe factor of the portraits alone, we decided to make them the centerpiece of these Out of Home ads. To elevate them from being just print ads, we allowed the audience to be able to interact with them through scannable QR codes. These QR codes are unique to each portrait; once scanned they take the audience to Instagram where they will then get an AR face filter that will allow them to have the same resist bar the model in the portrait has.

Resist Normality AR Filter-

To go along with trends on Instagram, our creative team made an interactive AR filter. This filter will allow the audience members to interact and be a part of the Resist Normality movement.

Poster Prints-

Our creatives took various sized Resist Normality posters and hung them up in multiple locations around Austin. We chose areas that had high foot traffic and places that would have people follow normality, where “resist” would stand out and make an impact.

Guerrilla Marketing single fold zine-

To target our audience where they would least expect it, our creative team designed single-page zines for Guerrilla Marketing. These single-page zines would be placed in magazines that push the idea of normality on young people. Each zine will be placed in a magazine where it utilizes “counter-culture.” These zines will include a full bleed of the portraits on the inside cover, with a bio on the adjacent page about the subject and what they do to resist normality. We wanted these zines to target people where they would least expect it while appearing mysterious so that they would spark conversation about the resist normality campaign.

Full page of the inside copy of the zines-

Individual portraits