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The name’s Brent Schmuck, yes my last name really is Schmuck. Thankfully I didn’t get made fun of as a child because of it. Oddly enough as an adult, I get raised eyebrows, funny looks, and “Wait, that’s REALLY your last name??” when introducing myself. But now, I’ve embraced it and made it a part of my identity.

 I come from a line of renegades bleeding oil from our veins, with a burning passion for speed that can only be satiated by the overwhelming 200 horsepower of my Toyota 86 (lovingly christened, Trisha).

 But before I knew how to race cars, I captured their speed and ferocity through photography. I picked up a class one day at the good ole SAC (San Antonio College) and here I am today, a professional photographer with enough stories about what unexpected things happen on photoshoots that I could write a memoir about it.  

 After my rise to power in the advertising world in a grandiose godfather fashion, I plan to retire comfortably in Alaska. There, I will rigorously train and create the ultimate dog sledding team as I endeavor to become the first person to win the infamous Iditarod dogsled race with my team of hardened weenie dogs; the pinnacle of savage endurance and determination.

 In a less dark Italian soap opera manner, probably in a warmer climate, I do plan on making a name for myself in the advertising industry. I have a deep-seated love for weenie dogs and cry like a hardened man when I see a dachshund puppy.

 Reach out to me through my email; we can talk about advertising, art direction, cars, taking photos of cars, general photography, business, how to become a plus-one on my dog sledding adventure, and anything else you could think of.


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